Friday, June 22, 2012

How do I get my music published on iTunes?

This is how you get your music on iTunes:
TrepStar helps you manufacture and ship physical cds or dvds, but if you want your music on iTunes and the Apple Music Store you just need to apply, and upload your music and artwork graphics files.

  1.  Apply at Apple's ITunes Music Store Website.  Publishers and artists that want to put music on the iTunes Music Store must apply.  Apple needs to look it over and approve your content.  
  2. Apple will review your application.   It may take several days and up to three weeks.  Apple will respond to you via email. 
  3. Once approved, Apple will give you instructions to upload your music to the Apple Servers.  Your application approval email will contain links and instructions.   
  4. Once your uploads are completed, your music will be available on the iTunes Store.   You can choose cover art (upload your graphic art) and product descriptions at any time.
  5. Finally,  your music is accessible from the iTunes Store by anyone with iTunes installed on their computer or any owner of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.

    • keywords: itunes, apple, ipod, istore. cdDVDfulfillment FAQ Help and Search

FAQ Help & Search
We produce your CD/DVD/USB Flash drive at order time.
These "On Demand", "Just in Time", "one off", "short run", CDs or DVDs or USB thumb drive products will be mailed directly to your customers (normally the next business day), in any quantity, and shipped to anywhere in the world with a USPS address.